Welcomed by Travis Townsend, CLE committee advisor, called Law Day 2023 to order, welcoming all members and guests, and made brief announcements. Travis Townsend, presented the blessing as well as the Pledges of Allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags.
Law Day Scholarship Winners:
Sydney Mathew and Eric Zhang, won the 2023 Law Day College Scholarship, the recipients are from Shadow Creek High School. The essay prompt was to “Explain or depict how pursuing civic, civility, and collaboration could help our society improve public discourse and inspire greater understanding of the Constitution and American government. ” They were both awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the Brazoria Bar Association & Foundation.
Keynote Speaker Supreme Court Justice Brett Busby
Justice Brett Busby was appointed to the Court in February 2019 by Governor Greg Abbott. He served six years for the Fourteenth Court of Appeals in Houston, before joining the Supreme Court. He graduated with high honors from Duke University and Columbia Law School. After graduating he served as a law clerk for Justice Byron R. White and John Paul Stevens.
Busby has represented plaintiffs and defendants in a variety of different appeal cases earning his name in the magazine Super Lawyers as one of the top 100 Lawyers in Texas in 2012. While, becoming board certified in Civil Appellate Law, he was also an adjunct professor of University Texas Law School helping teach U.S. Supreme Court Litigation Clinic.
The Texas Association of Civil Trial and Appellate Specialists recognized Justice Busby’s judicial service, by nominating him Appellate Judge of the Year back in 2018. Also, receiving Judge of the Year Award from the Hispanic Bar Association of Houston and Outstanding Mentor Award from the Houston Young Lawyers Association.