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CPS Mediation Training CLE

The Central Texas Dispute Resolution Center is looking for participants to join their upcoming 20 HR CPS Mediation Training in September. They will be using ZOOM to conduct this training.

20 hour (pending) CLE CPS Mediation Training, taking place on September 23rd – 25th, 2020, Wednesday – Friday, 9:00 AM until 5:30PM daily. This training is for those who want to CPS mediate cases in the state of Texas. Please RSVP to the email below by September 1st, 2020 if you would like to participate in the CPS mediation training course.

You must meet the prerequisite of a completed 40 HR Basic & 30 HR Advanced Family Mediation Trainings to qualify.

CPS Mediation Training

[September 23rd – 25th, 2020, Wednesday – Friday, 9:00 AM until 5:30PM daily] – [Central Texas Dispute Resolution Center]
[CPS 20 HR Mediation Training]
MCLE/CEUs: MCLE/CEU 20 and 2 in ethics are pending
Cost: $500.00
Location:  ZOOM
Phone: 512-878-0382
Lead Trainer: Chris Turner, TMCA Distinguished Credentialed Mediator

CTDRC CPS Mediation Training Flyer

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