Welcomed by Matt Allen, called Law Day 2024 to order, welcoming all members and guests, and made brief announcements. Cody Vasut, presented the blessing and Rachel Aguilar the Pledges of Allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags.
Law Day Scholarship Winners:
Meredith Beeson, won the 2024 Law Day College Scholarship, the recipient attends Glenda Dawson High School in Pearland. The essay prompt for this years contest, was “In light of the upcoming presidential election, submissions to the Law Day contest will explain or depict the value of voting and expressing political views pursuant to the rule of law and the voting rights protected by our court system. ” The recipient was awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the Brazoria Bar Association & Foundation.
Keynote Speakers Hon. Judges Patrick Sebesta, Lori Rickert, and Leigh Lehmann
Thank you all so much for presenting at our Law Day event and speaking about the importance and functions of Brazoria County’s Specialty Courts!