Welcomed by Travis Townsend, CLE committee advisor, called Law Day 2022 to order, welcoming all members and guests, and made brief announcements. Cody Vasut, President of the Brazoria Bar Association presented the blessing as well as the Pledges of Allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags.
Law Day Scholarship Winner:
Riley Kuhlman, won the 2022 Law Day College Scholarship, the recipient was from Brazoswood High School. The essay prompt was to “explain the importance and necessity of the United States Supreme Court in interpreting the Constitution for the issues arising in the current times. How should the Constitution be interpreted: in a strict construction (literal interpretation of the document’s words) or loose construction (with historical perspective, reading “between the lines” to extract meaning for the current times).” He was awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the Brazoria Bar Association.
Keynote Speaker Honorable Judge Terri Holder
Judge Terri Holder has served for the 149th District Court from 2011 to present. She and Husband, Judge Marc Holder, have been married 41 years, have 3 children and 10 beautiful grandchildren. Judge Holder, has served her community in numerous capacities including serving on the Board of Directors for multiple Associations. Judge Holder, obtained her Bachelors of Arts in Education from Sam Houston State University in 1977 and her Doctorates of Jurisprudence from South Texas College of Law in 1982. She has been practicing law for 40 years. If you would like to learn more about her, attached is a small Bio of her life accomplishments. Thank you, Honorable Judge Terri Holder for presenting a wonderful speech to the Bar. We are very appreciative of having you join us.
7-19-22 Terri Tipton Holder Bio