UPDATE 1/5/21:

From Iris Huerta:

We have new coupon codes available for virtual visitation of indigent clients in the Brazoria County Jail.  If anyone is interested or needs more codes, please let me know so we can send them to you.  We have distributed some to the majority of you who we know choose to utilize the Securus video system for interviewing your indigent clients.  For those of you who are not currently using Securus but would like to, below is a link to register.  These codes are due to expire on 2/28/21.

To Register: Securus account

Thank you,

Iris Huerta

Indigent Defense Coordinator

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Verification Office

UPDATE 4/30/20:

From Captain Parthum:

The coupons for the procedure below have been extended until the end of June, 2020–

The Brazoria County Detention Center has coupons for Indigent Defense Attorneys to use video visitation with their clients, free of charge. These coupons may be obtained from Indigent Defense Office.  (Iris Huerta)

In order to use the system, attorneys must set up a Securus account. Attorneys will then need to set up a Video Visit account and provide proper identification and Bar Card.

The Brazoria County Sheriff’s Office Staff will approve the account and send a confirmation email. This may take up to 24hrs.

It will also ask for a credit card when you schedule the visit.  Below this area is a place to add the coupon code.

When you set up an attorney account the visit is not recorded.  The coupons are good through May 1st, 2020.

The Brazoria County Detention Center is not closed to visitation for attorneys. We still have several ways to visit on-site.  Attorneys are requested to wear a mask when visiting in-person at the jail.

UPDATE 3/31/20:

From Captain Parthum:

Attorneys, please see the [below link] procedure for video visits. If an attorney has issues they can contact any jail supervisor for help. The can sign up on this link and add video visitation. https://securustech.online/#/enroll

Indigent Defense Attorneys Video Jail Visit Notice

Per the Brazoria County website notice:

Visitations Suspended at County Jail in Response to COVID-19

Post Date:03/13/2020 4:00 PM

“Sheriff Charles Wagner In compliance with the Governor’s Order has ordered visitation at the Brazoria County Jail suspended.

As of Today, March 13, 2020 at 2:00 PM, all visitations at the Brazoria County Sheriff’s Office Jail we are suspended until further notice. This is in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the Disaster Declaration issued by the Office of the Texas Governor authorizing the suspension of Visitation.  The health and well-being of the inmates in our custody and our employees are of paramount importance to us. We understand that this may be an inconvenience to those wishing to visit their loved ones in our custody however we must take this action to help prevent the inmates in our custody and our employees from being exposed to COVID-19. Our Video visitation feature is still available and we will still be able to process bonds for those inmates that are eligible for release. We will also make every effort to allow attorneys to visit their clients so that we can limit the impact on the court system however, attorneys will be screened for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 prior to entering the visitation.”  [emphasis added]


Online Visitation Option

Per Captain Parthum, attorneys can also visit over the phone at the jail and there is also online visitation.  Attorneys may register at:  https://securustech.net/.  The instructions and further information, including any fees to use this service, are on the site.